Title 1 Program
The Laurel Highlands School District is committed to providing students and families with support and resources to ensure academic success. Our district implements a school-wide Title I program, which allows us to allocate resources to improve student learning and achievement. Through Title I, we are able to provide our students with access to reading intervention, technology, learning software, school supplies, and more. We strive to empower our students and families to reach their fullest potential.
What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation's schools. The goal of Title I is to provide a high quality education for every child, so the program provides extra support to students who need it most. Another goal of the Title I program is to increase parental involvement within schools.
How is Laurel Highlands
Title I funds used?
Laurel Highlands uses it's Title I funds to support reading interventions, class size reduction teachers, math coaching, school and classroom supplies, kindergarten registration and materials, professional development for faculty, staff, and parents, technology, educational software, remediation materials, non-public school services, homeless resources, parent involvement and student assistance.
Important Documents
Department of Federal Programs Administration
Administrative Assistant
Tricia Bowlen
724-437-2821 x 1022
Director of Federal Programs
Jason Johns
724-437-2821 x 1021