Dear R.W. Clark Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. As this school year presents a new normal, R.W. Clark’s highly qualified and devoted educators are working hard to ensure students will be presented with learning opportunities that will allow students to thrive. We have spent a considerable amount of time preparing for your child’s return.
We have implemented a number of modifications to help ensure the health and safety of our students and staff. Students will report to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays while remaining at home on Wednesdays to provide time to deep clean our building.
Ultimately, we could not return to school if it weren’t for you and your family’s continued patience and support of our school district. Moving forward, we are asking for your continued support and patience. With that said, we are expecting the same from our faculty and staff. We understand that we continue to have work to do in order to keep our learning environment safe and effective. We will be flexible and adaptable to any challenges that we may face in the future.
Our custodians are implementing new cleaning procedures to ensure that our school is cleaner and safer. Our maintenance staff has assisted with making changes to our physical building to make social distancing easier.
Of course, the two biggest factors of implementation are social distancing and the requirement that all individuals in the school wear a face covering/mask throughout the day. Please note that students will be given mask breaks and will be able to remove their mask while eating. In addition, parents should be conducting daily temperature checks and symptom screenings at home. No child with symptoms of illness should be sent to school.
We fully realize that school is going to be different for the foreseeable future and understand that the necessary requirements may be uncomfortable for some individuals. We are relying on the cooperation of everyone in the community to help ensure that face to face learning will be able to continue at R.W. Clark Elementary.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support,
Emilie Kurek
School Principal