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Inclement Weather Statement

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

December 13, 2021

Dear LHSD Staff,

In an effort to continue the world-class education you have come to expect during inclement weather, the Laurel Highlands School District will employ the following procedures when it becomes necessary to cancel school due to inclement weather and/or other qualifying events:

During an Inclement Weather/Remote Learning Day(s), students do not physically attend school, but instead receive assignments at home from their teachers, who upload lessons online. Inclement Weather Learning Days allow the canceled school days to be counted toward the 180 days of instruction currently required under law, providing greater flexibility to school entities, especially during inclement weather--while ensuring that students continue to learn (please see below school schedule).

Please note that students will begin the instructional day on a two (2) hour delay; however, staff will be available on the regular school day schedule for individual instruction, record instructional video clips, and will be available for support for students and parents as well as for questions.

During an Inclement Weather Day/Remote Learning Day:

  • All teachers will work remotely. (In some cases, buildings may be open for staff wishing to have access)

  • Teachers will have 2 hours in the morning to prepare modified assignments for the day, prepare any needed instructional videos, and upload information for instruction.

  • All students and teachers will follow the attached daily instructional schedule.

  • Teachers may utilize both synchronous and asynchronous instruction on this day and will be available for individual help and instruction for students during their scheduled time period.

  • Non-Teaching Professionals will be available online for students during the regular instruction day.

  • Special Education teachers will be responsible for remote/digital meetings/collaborating/communicating through determined hours, to address IEP/504/GIEP deadlines and/or obligations.

    • All accommodations are to be delivered to the greatest extent possible per PDE/State of Pennsylvania guidelines.

    • In addition, all Regular Education teachers are responsible for implementing IEP's and communicating with Special Education case managers and parents.

  • Teachers will make reasonable differentiated accommodations for those students who document a lack of access to internet services or other technical access to learning challenges.

  • All students will be given 3 (three) school days to complete and turn in assignments given on an Inclement Weather/Flexible Instruction Day.

Likewise, all students will receive classroom instruction on how to navigate the Inclement Weather/Remote learning process and procedures in their respective classrooms.

We thank you for your continued support!

Please see the attached Inclement Weather Day/Remote Learning Day schedule below.


Dr. Jesse T. Wallace, III


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