The Clarion University dual enrollment course list for Spring 2022 is now available. The webpage www.clarion.edu/dualenrollment includes all dual enrollment information, course list, application & requirements.
Dual enrollment application
Approved online course list
Dual enrollment is available to students who are in their junior through senior year (who haven't graduated high school). Sophomore level student eligibility is on a conditional basis determined by the university. The list above is strictly online courses, however, face to face courses can be made available at the request of the student, and approval of the academic department. Please have students email any requests to me to determine availability.
The cost of dual enrollment is still the same, $115 per credit (up to 4 credits only) plus a one-time $50 nonrefundable records fee for new Dual Enrollment students. Any credits beyond 4 credits will be full cost, $410 per credit.
DEADLINE is December 1st for enrollment