MOLA Mustang Online Learning Academy
Welcome to the Laurel Highlands School District, a vibrant and innovative learning community. We are committed to providing a top-quality education to our students through our unique online program and comprehensive curriculum. Through our online program, students have the opportunity to explore their passions and develop their skills in a safe and supportive environment. Our highly qualified and experienced teachers are dedicated to helping our students reach their full potential. With the help of our Online Coordinators, Mr. Mike DeFazio (High School) and Mrs. Nicole Bota (Middle School), students have access to the best resources and support to help them succeed. While our district firmly believes the best education we can offer our students is in our buildings, we are proud to offer our online program to accommodate those students who have a need for an online education.
MOLA OPEN ENROLLMENT FOR THE SECOND 9 WEEKS WILL CLOSE ON FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 2024. After that date, students/parents may still fill out this application, but students will be required to remain in person until the start of the third 9 weeks (January 22, 2025).
Any parent who wants to enroll their child in the LH cyber program must complete the MOLA Registration Application. Once completed, district personnel will review the information and respond appropriately. Online learning is not for every child. Students must be independent, motivated learners to find success on our online format.
Contact Information:
For High School, Email Mr. Mike DeFazio
For Middle School, Email Mrs. Nicole Bota