Complaint Against School Personnel Procedure
When you have a concern or a complaint with a school district employee, it is always best to first discuss your concern with the employee involved. If this is either impossible or unsatisfactory, you may contact the employee’s supervisor. You may call Human Resources at 724-437-2821 to find out who the Supervisor is, if you do not know. If the Supervisor determines that your complaint requires further review, you will be asked to complete a Complaint against School Personnel Form designed to obtain the necessary information for reviewing complaints.
District Policy and Regulations:
The procedure for filing concerns and complaints in the Laurel Highlands School District is governed by the District Discipline Code approved by the Laurel Highlands School Board and Administrative Regulations. Policies and Regulations may be viewed at the Board Secretary’s Office at 304 Bailey Avenue, or in the Principal’s Office of any district school building. You may also access this information through our website, www.lhsd.org
The Process and Appeal Rights:
The Employee’s Supervisor will attempt to resolve your complaints by talking to you, and/or the employee/student and determining the best course of action. If you disagree with the supervisor’s decision, however, you have a right to appeal to the next Supervisor. In fact, you may appeal to subsequent Supervisors and the Superintendent. If you are still unsatisfied after an appeal to the Superintendent, you may make a final appeal to the School Board.
Questions to Answer:
During the review process, the Supervisor will ask you and the Employee to answer the following types of questions.
What is the problem?
Is it focusing on a person?
Or is it focusing on an action by the person?
What is the history behind the problem?
How long have you had this concern or complaint?
Has the action occurred once or multiple times?
Has the action come from more than one person?
Have you approached the person about whom you are complaining?
What change or remedy are you seeking?
What do you request the district consider as a possible solution?
The Next Step:
The Supervisor will explain what he/she expects to do with your complaint.
For Example:
How the employee against whom you are complaining will be contacted
If there will be another meeting involving you
When and how you can expect to hear back from the Supervisor
The Employee’s Supervisor will make every effort to resolve any problems you have raised with your complaint. However, if you are unsatisfied with that resolution, you may appeal. The employee’ supervisor will provide you with the name of the next Supervisor in line to whom your complaint should be referred.
Complaint Forms:
Complaint Against School Personnel Forms are available at each school, building facility, and the district website, www.lhsd.com
Should you need a copy and cannot access one of our sites, or require assistance in completion of the form, please contact the Equity Department, 304 Bailey Avenue, Uniontown, PA 15401 or by phone at 724-437-2821.
Laurel Highlands School District Non-Discrimination Statement:
The Laurel Highlands School District (LHSD) provides equal educational and employment opportunities and will not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, ancestry, or actual or potential parental, familial, or marital status. LHSD will take affirmative action in recruitment, appointments, assignment, and advancement of women and men, members of diverse racial/ethnic groups, and persons with disabilities for job categories in which any of these groups of people are underrepresented.
Inquiries related to this policy may be directed to Dr. Jesse T. Wallace, III, at 304 Bailey Avenue, Uniontown PA 15401. Or by phoning at 724-437-2821. Inquiries may also be directed to the PA Civil Rights Commission, the Regional Office of the United States Equal Opportunities Commission, or the Regional Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education.